Michael Wolff‘s 2.3 Guardian piece about the Dylan Farrow letter isn’t novel or radical, but it strikes me as the wisest and most comprehensive assessment yet of what’s really going on.
“[This] is a story of interlocking media deals and cultivated media cronies,” he concludes. “Everybody is at work here. Everybody is someone else’s instrument. Everybody is promoting something. Two decades have passed but the Allen-Farrow betrayal, break-up, and molestation charges are somehow, all of a sudden, as vivid as yesterday.
“Here’s a certainty: When you play out your personal dramas, hurt and self-interest in the media, it’s a confection. You say what you have to say in the way you have to say it to give it media currency — and that’s always far from the truth. Often, in fact, someone else says it for you. It’s all planned. It’s all rehearsed. This is craft. This is strategy. This is manipulation. This is spin.”