On 7.21 Patrick Sauriol, webmaster of the legendary Coming Attractions website which ruled from the mid ’90s to the early 21st Century, announced a re-launch of the site — Coming Attractions 2.0. He said it would be up and rolling within 30 days or so. It’s now five months later, and a Beta version is finally up and rolling.
What’s missing at this stage is new information inside the Movie Database. Sequential backstage histories of this and that film is mainly what I used to visit CA for in the old days. I remember going to CA over and over when I worked at People from ’96 to ’98 — everyone in the office who covered any aspect of the film business did. If you want this kind of thing now (i.e., possibly reliable traces of the sometimes dirty skinny about any given film, early screening reactions, early location photography) you go to the IMDB commenters, among other options.