David Poland thinks that because he links to a news story before others do then on some level that story kinda half-belongs to him and that others who link to the same story are feeding off his site, or his initiative. The ridiculousness of that view aside, here’s a Poland Hot Blog thing I’m bouncing off….Poland had it first, all right? But it’s also the best riff I’ve ever read by a mainstream newspaper guy — the Guardian ‘s Alan Rusbridger — about how and why old (i.e. print) media is on the way down and new (i.e., online) is on the way up. The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) staged a lecture on March 16th (not “the other night,” as Poland had it) in London. It’s on Adobe Acrobat and I friggin’ hate Adobe Acrobat, but it’s fascinating reading. It nails the attitude of big newspapers like the New York Times and how so many established publications are losing readers to various upstart online publications, etc.