The Beast doesn’t get to take a bow for killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. On 10.22.12 he tweeted that President Obama had been overpraised and/or didn’t deserve credit for Osama bin Laden‘s death because “Navy Seals killed [him].” By the same token Trump had almost nothing to do with the ISIS leader’s death. He was merely told that al-Baghdadi had been targeted and was about to be hit, and so he said “yeah, go for it, whatever.”

From N.Y. Times story: “Mr. Trump said Mr. al-Baghdadi was chased to the end of a tunnel, ‘whimpering and crying and screaming all the way’ as he was pursued by American military dogs. Accompanied by three children, Mr. al-Baghdadi then detonated a suicide vest, blowing up himself and the children, Mr. Trump said.”

Imagine Trump being somehow caught in in the crosshairs, alone and without bodyguards and being chased down a tunnel by terrorists. Is there anyone on the planet earth who believes he would die like Jim Bowie or Davy Crockett at the Alamo, manfully and with fierce brave dignity? Is there any chance he wouldn’t beg for his life by suggesting that he and his would-be killers “could make a great deal”?

There’s no question that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a radical homicidal animal. Let no one doubt that his having reportedly killed three children along with himself with a suicide vest was a selfish and cowardly act. But does anyone think that Trump would have the cojones to off himself under any circumstance, if he was looking at doom either way?

Again: “Mr. al-Baghdadi’s body was mutilated by the blast, but Mr. Trump said a test had confirmed his identity. The president made a point of repeatedly portraying Mr. al-Baghdadi as ‘sick and depraved’ and him and his followers as ‘losers’ and ‘frightened puppies,’ using inflammatory, boastful language unlike the more solemn approaches by other presidents in such moments. ‘He died like a dog,’ Mr. Trump said. ‘He died like a coward.'”

But never forget that ISIS was essentially created by the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S. forces and the administration of Baghdad that followed, and that the real villains in this whole mess are George Bush and more precisely Dick Cheney.