Coming Soon‘s Ed Douglas informs there will be “some combination press/public screenings for some of the bigger movies at Sundance this year. RIght now I know that Adventureland, Brookyn’s Finest and I Love You Philip Morris are three of the films being handled this way. Probably Spread as well. Plus there’s a sneak preview scheduled for Wednesday, 1.21.
“There are currently no separate press screenings of those movies scheduled, but there will be press tickets available for the morning screenings of these movies at the Eccles. I don’t know if there will be a separate reserved press section or not but they’re obviously trying to do something different this year. I don’t know why they haven’t made this information more widely known but you will still need to get tickets for these,and I really hope that these don’t count towards your one or two comp tickets a day you’re allowed to get.”