Hollywood Elsewhere is overjoyed to report that Guillermo del Toro‘s Bleak House, the Thousand Oaks manse that contains the greatest-ever collection of life-size movie mannequins and related paraphernalia, has so far survived the Woolsey blaze. HE to GDT: “So did Bleak House escape the blaze? Please tell me…I’m sick about this.” GDT to HE: “So far, safe. Winds can change. Still evacuated!” HE to GDT: “Fingers crossed!”

Another structure that I care about in the Woolsey-threatened realm is The Old Place, the storied restaurant-saloon in the Agoura hills. This morning at 5:45 am the Malibu TimesEmily Sawicki reported that there is “no known damage” to The Old Place….hooray!

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” — Winston Churchill.

29983 Mulholland Hwy, Cornell, CA 91301