Don Knotts‘ N.Y. Times obit says he was one of the original cast members of “The Steve Allen Show,” the comedy-variety show from the mid to late ’50’s, and was one of a group of memorable comics backing Mr. Allen.” But it says nothing about Knotts’ “Mr. Morrison” character, and not getting into this a little is like writing a Lana Turner obit without mentioning William Wilkerson and Schwab’s drug store. On the Museum of TV Broadcasting site, it says that “Allen’s man-in-the-street interview segments launched the careers of comedians Bill Dana, Pat Harrington, Louis Nye, Tom Poston and Don Knotts. Probably the best remembered character was the nervous Mr. Morrison portrayed by Knotts. Often Morrison’s initials were related to his occupation. On one segment he was introduced as K.B. Morrison whose job in a munitions factory was to place the pins in hand grenades. When asked what the initials stood for, Knotts replied, ‘Ka-boom!’ Invariably Allen would ask Morrison if he was nervous and always got the hyper-fast ‘No!!’ reply.