“I would love to see Robert Altman take the stage at the Oscars next Sunday and give this speech: ‘I thank Hollywood and The Academy for absolutely nothing, and I dedicate this award to Ingmar Berman, Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles and Frederico Fellini — all of whom, like myself, succeeded primarily outside the Hollywood circle, and have never been recognized by the Academy for any achievement whatsoever.’ Then he would leave the Oscar on the podium as he walks off the stage.” — a reader identified as “III Rathbun.” (In fact, Welles shared the Best Original Screenplay Oscar with Herman J. Mankiewicz for Citizen Kane, and Kubrick won a Best Visual Effects Oscar in ’69 for 2001: A Space Odyssey.)