I actually stole the above headline from a Chinatown moment in which Ida Sessions (Diane Ladd) asks Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson) if he’s “alone”, and Gittes replies “Isn’t everybody?” I don’t actually feel “alone” in this life. Because of Hollywood Elsewhere I feel like I’m part of a huge, roaming, fickle, transcontinental community, on top of which are the wife, the sons, the friends, the cats and the semi-close industry pallies. But at the end of the day and especially during the “hour of the wolf” or in the pre-pre-dawn hours (2:30 am to 5 am) we’re all pretty much alone in a sense. Not helpless, of course, or even lazy or weak necessarily, but whatever’s going on (or not going on) we all to have stand up and clear our heads and fix it ourselves. If we don’t do that, everyone and everything else will eventually fall away. That’s the message of High Noon, and it’s also the damn truth.