Mark Adnum, the Australian writer and editor of Outrate, has thoroughly explained why giving a Best Actress Oscar to Meryl Streep for Julie and Julia is a bad idea.
“Putting fandom and loyalty aside,” he writes, “does anyone really think that her performance in Julie and Julia is so great that it needs to be recognized with the same prize given to her work in Sophie’s Choice? Giving Streep an Oscar for a performance that can’t hold a candle to those that she deservedly won for — as Dustin Hoffman‘s unstable young wife in Kramer vs. Kramer and as the undead Auschwitz survivor who makes her ghostly way through a doomed new life in Sophie’s Choice — would only undermine her Oscar legacy.”
I’m sensing that the Streep yacht is taking on water and listing to the side. The sleek Mulligan sailfish, as Tony Curtis once said, is in “ship-ship-shape.” And the Bullock schooner — representing the Best Actress contender favored by hinterland women and their go-along husbands — is catching the big gusts.