Flight 93, the made-for-TV 9/11 drama that had its first Arts & Entertainment (A&E) airing last night, wasn’t half bad. Too many babies appeared`in the calls-from-home sequences and too many wives of too many guys on the plane cried and said “I love you”… not in real life, of course, but all that friggin’ crying felt drama- tically tedious to me. Director Peter Markle didn’t make it sufficiently clear about how and when the Flight 93 passengers learned of the other 9/11 attacks that were happening at the same time (this knowledge was what led to their taking back the plane from the terrorist hijackers), and I was losing patience with two or three women who wept and moaned while conferring with the male passengers on cell phones but who also failed to tell them precisely what had happened to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Presumably Bourne Supremacy helmer Paul Greengrass, whose identically titled theatrical version of the same 9/11 tale will open on 4.28, will cool it with this and focus more on Todd “let’s roll” Beamer and the other guys who rushed the bad guys and prevented the plane from crashing into the White House or the Pentagon.