In a nutshell, The New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer has begun the process of rescuing former Minnesota Senator Al Franken from #MeToo banishment, ignoble obscurity and the loneliness of Moses in the desert.

I’m waiting for a flight with no time to unpack the laptop, but the gist of Mayer’s thoroughly reported article is that (a) Franken’s chief accuser, Leeann Tweeden, is unreliable and certainly suspicious in terms of her rightwing associations, (b) a number of U.S. Senators who called on Franken to resign are now sorry they did so, and (c) perhaps it’s time to consider evaluating each case of alleged inappropriate sexual behavior by its specific merits instead of a carte blanche “believe all women” response.

Kneejerk #MeToo lynchings serve no one. Be fair, be prudent, examine all pertinent info.

Read the piece: