We all know you can very easily get into trouble with kneejerk wokesters for saying the “wrong” thing or for using the “wrong” term.

If you know how wokesters think, you know they’re not only unable to consider context but are intensely opposed to it. All they care about is whether or not an alleged verbal offender has used a trigger word or not.

Four and a half years ago Emilia Perez star and Best Actress nominee Karla Sofia Gascon tweeted a comment about the late George Floyd, and in so doing alluded to racist attitudes about people of color by citing “those who still consider Black people to be monkeys without rights.”

She was lamenting the fact that some people harbor such attitudes, but kneejerk wokesters, as noted, don’t care about context. In their brilliant deductive minds, any Oscar nominee who uses a derisive term like “monkeys” in a sentence that alludes to people of color is flat-out finished…end of story, over and done with, stick a fork in it.

On top of which Gascon referred to Floyd as “a drug addict and a hustler” — a statement that defied a blanket edict in progressive liberal circles that no one is allowed to speak of Floyd as anything but a noble, tragic martyr…a blameless victim of beat-cop racism who was murdered for the foulest of reasons.

“I truly believe that very few people ever cared about George Floyd, a drug addict and a hustler,” she tweeted, “but his death has served to highlight once again that there are those who still consider Black people to be monkeys without rights and those who consider the police to be murderers. All wrong.”

Gascon will not win the Best Actress Oscar on Sunday, March 2nd…trust me. I don’t think it’s fair because she meant well in that tweet by stating that people who subscribe to simple-minded prejudice are “all wrong“, but she’s history all the same.

Because you can’t say “monkeys”…it’s one of those words that mark you as a dead man (or dead trans person) if it passes your lips. Just as much as certain other racial colloquialisms are verboten.