Yesterday morning I was almost convinced that my agonizing sound-synch issues had been solved by using an HDMI cord to connect my Sony sound bar to the ARC (Audio Return Channel) option instead of a standard cable connecting the Digital Audio Output (located at the rear of any high-def TV) to the sound bar. Well, it worked for about a day and then the shit returned. [Check the video below — the sound is just a micro-second late.] I literally fell to my knees and began to weep when I realized the monster was back. Tears of rage.
John Tillett of INC Technologies had suggested installing a sophisticated Marantz system that would definitely eliminate the problem, he said, but it would have set me back $1200. He also mentioned returning the current Sony 65-inch 4k (XBR 850C) and replacing it with a Sony XBR65X930C which has built-in speakers on the side and theoretically can’t deliver out-of-synch sound. So I did that yesterday (cost: $500) while purchasing the $200 Sony sub-woofer (SWFBR100) that goes with it.
The 930C newbie (my third purchase within a four-week period) arrives on Sunday and the current one (850C) wll exit. I’ve been bled dry by this problem. I just want it to stop.