Todd Kessler‘s Bloodline, a 13-episode Netflix series beginning on 3.20, is a family melodrama set in what looks to be Southern Florida…cool. A story about the Rayburns with Kyle Chandler as John, the apparently responsible #1 son…fine. And Linda Cardellini as Meg, presumably his wife. Sam Shepard and Sissy Spacek appear to be playing the parents…fine. But oh, God…oh, please, no…dear God, help us all…Ben Mendelsohn, the grungiest and sleaziest-looking character actor working today, is playing Danny, the bad-news brother. I don’t know if I can take much more of Mendelsohn. Except for his low-key gambler in Mississipi Grind he always plays lowlife scumbags who are up to no good and probably have halitosis. He walks into the room and it’s “okay, here’s the sweaty scumbag who’s going to poison the well and drag everyone to hell.”