io9‘s Meredith Woerner reports the following from Cinemacon about some teaser footage from Alfonso Cuaron‘s Gravity: “It was quick and dirty, but completely terrifying. The only bit of information we’ve ever had on this flick is this one-line synopsis: ‘Astronauts attempt to return to earth after debris crashes into their space shuttle, leaving them drifting alone in space.’ What was shown was this moment, and only this moment.

George Clooney and Sandra Bullock hovering outside of some sort of spacecraft in modern-day space suits. Clooney’s voice crackles over a radio, ‘It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? The sunrise?’ The earth is simply twinkling in gorgeous light. They nod toward each other, a moment of silence while orbiting their home planet. And then they’re hit. You can’t tell what but they’re showered with some sort of space debris. Could be a meteor shower. The space station is shattered. One floating astronaut helplessly drags his or her fingers across the side of the station. The other grapples with some sort of tubing. ‘Don’t let go!’ Bullock cries. But it’s too late. She’s floating away, ever so slowly. You can hear her breathing pick up as she floats farther and farther away from the damaged craft. We’re not 100% sure if Clooney manages to stay near the wreck, but Bullock is 100% gone.

“All in all,” Woerner concludes, “the footage felt like [it lasted] one minute — but it was intense enough to leave a massive impression. Let’s hope Cuaron keeps the real “terror in space” vibe alive through the end.” One presumes that the footage was in 3D, although Weorner doesn’t mention this/