HE’s GoFundMe Cannes reach-out was a nearly-instant success. Sometime around 7:30 pm last night (Thursday, 4.11) I posted the pitch ($2600 needed for my Cannes Film Festival air fare + room & board), and the funds hit $2625 around six hours later.

Heartfelt thanks to all the serious-friends-of-HE who stepped up and lent a helping hand. In HE’s nearly 20-year history (I launched in August 2004), I’ve never felt this kind of readership hug. I don’t mind saying it’s affected my general view of humanity and the HE community in particular.


Earlier: Okay, I’ve decided to try and raise the $2600 I need for Cannes ’24 through GoFundMe. I’ve never tried to do this before, but given my impoverished circumstances it can’t hurt, right?

GoFundMe message: I’m Jeffrey Wells of Hollywood Elsewhere, and I’m too poor to cough up my own 2024 Cannes Film Festival fund. I need around $2600 to fly to Nice/Cannes and pay my room and board, buy occasional cappuccinos and generally keep the engine going, etc.

For thirty odd years I covered my Cannes expenses through HE ad dollars, but the ad situation was on the grim side this year. So I’m begging for assistance. My hat is out and I have no shame.

Thanks for your help if you’re able to part with $25 or $50 or whatever. If not, no sweat. And if I don’t make my goal of $2600, also no sweat. Thanks anyway. There’s always Telluride…