People like me — i.e., those with some understanding of online technical issues, but lacking a Master Jedi Degree in advanced web skills — are currently being blocked from downloading the Mozilla ActiveX plugin, which means they are not permitted to view the new trailer for Hoax (Miramax, 11.3), the Lasse Hallstrom drama that will presumably turn up at the Toronto Film Festival.

It’s about the fraud that author Clifford Irving (Richard Gere) perpetrated in the ’70s by selling a fake Howard Hughes biography to McGraw-Hill. (I interviewed Irving for an EW piece 11 or 12 years ago.) The costars are Alfred Molina, Marcia Gay Harden, Julie Delpy and Hope Davis. If anyone sees the trailer, please let me know how it plays. Better yet, if anyone knows of a URL that allows you to download that infuritating Mozilla ActiveX plugin, please forward. Update: The trailer is viewable after all at another location.