Last night I caught episodes #1 and #2 of Feud: Capote vs. The Swans (Hulu/FX). and I was competely delighted by Tom Hallander‘s Truman Capote. It’s like Capote‘s Philip Seymour Hoffman is back among us, and it’s wonderful. The voice, body language, hat and scarves….perfect. Hollander will be Emmy-nominated and probably win…no question.
You might guess from the credit block that Hollander is playing a supporting role, but he’s absolutely the star. When Hollander’s on-screen, you’re riveted or at least sitting up in your seat. When the swans are front and center you’re paying polite attention and never bored, but at the same you’re waiting for Hollander to return.
The narrative is non-sequential, hopscotching around from year to year, era to era…1984, 1968, 1975, 1966, etc. Hollander is especially glorious in “Pilot,” the initial episode. Episode #2 (“Ice Water In Their Veins”) is about his immediate post-“La Cote Basque” downfall period…obviously sad, boozy and pathetic.
All the swan performances are first-rate with Naomi Watts‘ Babe Paley being the main stand-out. The other performances are completely satisfactory and professional — Diane Lane as Slim Keith (who was no longer slim in the late ’60s and ’70s), Chloë Sevigny as C. Z. Guest (Sevigny and Barry Keohgan are the queen and king of the bee-stung nose realm), Calista Flockhart as Lee Radziwill, Demi Moore as Ann Woodward and Molly Ringwald as Joanne (wife of Johnny) Carson. All completely convincing, no speed bumps or issues of any kind.
Jon Robin Baitz‘s screenplay is witty, amusing, blistering, spot-on. Gus Van Sant‘s direction is also top-=of-the-lone, and the animated credit sequence [see below] is luscious and haunting.