I got shut out of this morning’s 9 am Eccles screening of My Idiot Brother, which I also blew off last night. So I retired to the Yarrow hotel for a nice scrambled-egg breakfast, and then went upstairs to record Oscar Poker #17 with Sasha Stone and Scott Feinberg, topic #1 being the PGA/King’s Speech upset. It’ll be up sometime tonight. And we all agreed to do a special Tuesday morning podcast following announcement of the Oscar nominations.

Just after failing to crash My Idiot Brother showing at the Eccles — Sunday, 1.23, 9:05 am.
Eugene Jarecki‘s Reagan screens at the Library at 2:15 pm, and then comes a 5 pm P & I Holiday Cinemas screening of Gavin Wiesen‘s Homework. And if that doesn’t work out I can hit a 6 pm showing of Andrew Rossi‘s Page One: A Year Inside the N.Y. Times. There’s a Page One dinner starting around 8:30 pm, and then comes the 9:30 pm Eccles showing of Miguel Arteta‘s Cedar Rapids. And then a couple of after-parties.