I’m mentioning this about four days later than I should have, but there’s a q & a transcript of a chat between Time film critic Rich- ard Schickel and Munich director Steven Spielberg on page 70 of the current issue. And the intro says that Spielberg has collab- orated with Schickel on a TV documentary called “Shooting War.” Schickel, as noted earlier, reviews Munich in the same issue (Munich is on the cover) and extremely favorably. Shouldn’t Schickel should recused himself from reviewing Munich on the grounds of his having worked with Spielberg on the doc? A guy who works for one of the trades has written me about this and called this “a profound conflict of interest. Schickel had no business — NONE — reviewing Munich. Indeed, he must bow out of reviewing any Spielberg film at all. This is really awful, and it makes the accompanying hype all the worse.”