Jon Kasdan‘s In The Land of Women (Warner Bros., 4.20) has only managed a lousy 48% Rotten Tomatoes rating, but it’s picked some classy “cream of the crop” allies, including L.A. Times critic Kenneth Turan, the Philadelpha Inquirer‘s Carrie Rickey, the Toronto Star‘s Susan Walker, the San Francisco Chroncile‘s Mick LaSalle and Newsweek‘s David Ansen.

That said, many of the positive comments come from an attitude that say, in a nutshell, “Jon Kasdan is young and therefore his first-time-director mistakes are forgivable, on top of which it’s a little easier to cut him slack knowing that his dad, Lawrence Kasdan, has made several good films and that Jon will improve and…well, here’s to the family Kasdan!”