One Missed Call (opening 1.4) is tracking at 51, 27 and 6…very modest. Five films are opening on Friday 1.11. The Bucket List (opening wide) is at 74, 30 and 5. First Sunday— 43, 30 and 3. Name of the King — 31,19 and 1. The Orphanage — 18, 24 and 1. The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie — 39, 19 and 1.
3 films opening on Friday, 1.18.08: 21 Dresses — 56, 27 and 5. Cloverfield — 39.37 and 6. Mad Money — 57, 22 and 0.
4 films opening on Friday, 1.25.08: How She Move — 18, 15 and 0. Meet the Spartans — 31, 19 and 1. Rambo — 62, 23 and 5. Untracable — 22, 18 and 0..