I love the “schedules permitting” qualification in this Aero listing. (Oliver Stone: “I’ll try to come by. I will. I’ll really try. But something might come up.”) I’m not a fan of big-deal holidays as a rule. I loathe crowds, traffic jams, long lines, packed restaurants, screaming kids, older men in shorts and sandals. I certainly never drive anywhere over the 4th of July holiday — I stopped that back in the ’90s. I might drive up to Mulholland west of Beverly Glen to watch the distant fireworks but maybe not. At least I’m not in Manhattan, which I hear is baking and muggy and generally horrible.

No longer named “Jazz” but “Zak” — he’s only been here a week so it’s not that crazy to switch names — a Siamese I had from ’86 until ’00 who died of pancreatic cancer was named Zak so now he’s reborn.