Le hype de Superman Returns seems pretty well cranked in Paris this week…bus ads, metro ads…a fairly persistent presence — snapped on Isle de la Cite (facing south) on Saturday, 5.27.06, 6:55 pm.

And with not much else to do or say today (i.e., having decided to mostly take the day off and just wander around), a passel of non-movie-related pics: (a) lean over the catch of the day on a bed of ice, and the aroma fills you up and does more than intoxicate, at a fish market on rue Lepic — Saturday, 5.27.06, 3:25 pm; (b) sanitation engineers on rue Lepic…the sound of clinking-clattering glass is shattering –Saturday, 5.27.06, 3:30; (c) Snapped in front of the Pantheon, looking west — Saturday, 5.27.06, 7:36 pm; (d) Snapped at a small cafe on rue Mouffetard — Saturday, 5.27.06, 8:55 pm; (e) Brad Pitt wristwatch ad in Friday’s print edition of the London Times; (f) a postively captivating floral delight on rue Lepic — Saturday, 5.27, 3:40 pm; (g) Ben Sliney, the FAA chief who played himself in United 93, looking about 20 pounds lighter with a cool haircut and a great tan (like he wants to be in more movies perhaps?…he was real and likable and solid as a rock in the film) at Friday’s Cannes press conference for the Paul Greengrass film; (h) Brass plaque on sloping hill street approaching the Pantheon; (i) Pantheon glimpse on way back from dinner — Saturday, 5.27.06; 9:40 pm; (k) Notre Dame — Saturday, 5.27.06, 7:55 pm; (l) The Louvre has a soul all its own, but for the time being it half-feels like a Ron Howard-Tom Hanks tourist attraction — Saturday, 5.27.06, 5:35 pm; (m) Montmartre windowsill — Saturday, 5.27.06, 3:55 pm; and (n) with the AC cord suddenly failing to power up the laptop and no wi-fi in the closet-sized studio I’m crashing in, here’s Hollywood Elsewhere’s publishing headquarters for the next few days; naptime under a tree in small park adjacent to St.-Julien-le-Pauvre — Saturday, 5.27.06, 6:40 pm.