From Lou Lumenick‘s N.Y. Post movie blog, posted this morning: “One of the biggest compliments I can pay a movie is that I wish it were longer. Such is the case with Ridley Scott‘s masterful American Gangster. At 158 minutes, it left me wanting more — only the second film this year (after Zodiac) that I can say this about. Like David Fincher‘s film, it’s an exquisitely detailed period piece set in the early 1970s that warrants a full three-hour running time.”

From my own Gangster review of a week or two ago: “I was a wee bit disappointed at the 158-minute running time. I wanted more. This is one of those movies that is so good and cocksure in its New York textures and tough hammer-like attitude, that you’re saying to yourself early on, ‘I don’t want this to end.’ I wanted the indulgent director’s cut right then and there. I wanted Ridley to swing for the bleachers and make it three hours. Hell, I could have gone for three and a half. I wanted to pig out.”