Cedric B. Glover, Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, has responded to Josh Brolin‘s account of the famous altercation that happened at the Stray Cat bar in Shrevesport last July.
I ran Brolin’s statement yesterday in a piece that came out of an interview at the W. junket. Glover read it and sent his response by e-mail to Shrevesport Times reporter Alexandyr Kent. Here it is:
“There is an interesting presumption of privilege in Mr. Brolin’s comments. He appears to be blurring the line between reality and his on-screen persona. As Southerners we inherently go out of our way to make our guests and visitors feel welcome and at home. However, the expectation that legitimate charges would be summarily dismissed by me, the Chief of Police or the City Attorney is not in line with the way this administration is leading the city of Shreveport.
“At every level, from City Hall, to our faith community, to our neighborhoods, we are working diligently to make all of Shreveport safer and better. Crucial to that effort is the equal and consistent application of the law.
“But make no mistake, we treasure and value all that the film industry has brought to our community. We will continue to pursue every opportunity available to bring this industry to our region. And we will continue to make all those who come feel wanted, appreciated and welcomed.” — Cedric B. Glover, Mayor of Shreveport.”