I was confused by two Amazon.com statistics regarding Fox Home Video’s 5.13 DVD release of Raoul Walsh‘s The Big Trail (1930). This staid, somewhat cornball John Wayne wagon-train western is immensely watchable due to its being the first Hollywood film to be shot and released in a 70mm widescreen format (which was called “Fox Grandeur”). The problem is that Amazon says the aspect ration is 1.85 when the true aspect ratio is 2.1 to 1. And the running time is given as 212 minutes despite the actual length (according to packaging) being 122 minutes.

Take no notice of the IMDB listing stating that the film’s varying running times are 125 min (35 mm version) and 158 min (70 mm version). Mordaunt Hall‘s N.Y. Times review (which ran on 10.25.30) mentions a Fox Movietone Newsreel as well as an “atmospheric prelude” to the feature. There’s your additional 26 minutes.