A few years ago I chatted with Billy Crystal for 70 or 75 seconds at a Sundance Film Festival party. My sense was that he’s a bit of cold-eyed prick, or at the very least is indifferent to social graces when it comes to inquiring journalists. But many comedians are like that so no biggie — goes with the territory. In any case I forgot this when I watched last night’s Real Time chat with Bill Maher, and particularly after he told his “honor the president” bit. Perfect.

Russell Brand on drugs: “Marijuana, which I believe you’re familiar with. Heroin, too slow. Cocaine, a little too upbeat. For me, the only drug I’m interested in is the drug of connection, of unity, of love. All of these things [we’re discussing] are placebos, place-holders…every drug, every commodity, false idols.”