5 pm Update: Robert Mueller‘s office has issued a statement that Buzzfeed‘s Trump-Cohen story is “inaccurate.” What? Is Mueller splitting hairs? Buzzfeed‘s Anthony Cormier said earlier today on CNN that the story was 100% solid based on two sources plus others corraborating, etc. Is this like the H.R. Haldeman / Hugh Sloan grand jury story in All The President’s Men?

Earlier: Last night’s Buzzfeed bombshell, written by Anthony Cormier and Jason Leopold and sourcing a pair of federal law enforcement officials involved in the Mueller investigation, says that President Trump personally directed former attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the Moscow Trump Tower project.

If the story checks out (and let’s hope it does), it means that Trump committed a federal crime and a potentially impeachable offense. “Potentially” as in “depending on the backbones of D.C. legislators.” There might be a little bit of fallout among Trump’s Senate Republican supporters, but most, I suspect, will do the old shilly-shally sidestep.