Publicist to HE (received on Monday, 6.15): “We know it is hard to predict your schedule for this summer, given the current state of the world right now, but he’d like to know if you are still planning on attending the Telluride Film Festival, like last year. Keep us posted if you will be there and your coverage plans. Thanks in advance!”

HE to Publicist: “All paid up and booked up, and wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

Tatiana is also attending this year. We’re once again staying at the Mountainside Inn, the “poor man’s Telluride Film Festival lodging option”. Except the lease-holder got greedy and decided to up the rent, so I’ve paid $1700 total for five nights (9.2 through 9.7). As Tatiana has never seen the Grand Canyon or Monument Valley, the plan is to fly to Phoenix (Southwest’s LAX/Burbank to Phoenix “El Cheapo” fare is $49 each way, $90 RT), drive to the GC on the way up, and stop in Monument Valley on the way back.