I’m dying, naturally, to see Albert Brooks in the debut episode of a new season of Weeds on Showtime tonight. He’s playing Len, the father-in-law of Mary-Louise Parker‘s pot-dealing Nancy in a new Southern California burgh called Ren Mar. Read Mary McNamara‘s L.A. Times review for a taste.

Does the Planet Hollywood hotel and casino have Showtime on its system? Of course not. I’ve been told that first new Weeds episode is viewable on Showtime’s website but I went to college and all I found was this little snip of a scene with Brooks doing his shpiel. I’m not saying it’s not there, but If they’re going to hide the link to the episode then the hell with them.
I guess I’ll have to find the Showtime publicist, beg for a few discs of the opening three or four episodes, and catch it back in Los Angeles. Another campaign, in other words. Never easy.