I don’t give a single infinitesimal fuck about James Gunn having been re-hired to direct Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3. Because I was down with the original Guardians but hated the second one so I figured the third would be worse. But the willingness of Disney’s Alan Horn to reverse course about a Twitter-related nervous nelly firing is somewhat encouraging.
Posted today by The Ankler‘s Richard Rushfield: “I want to pause long enough to congratulate Hollywood on making it to the Belated Backdoor [of the] Who The Hell Knows What the Rules Are? era of corporate decision-making under the Social Media Backlash Sun
“That’s a step forward from the Kneejerk Duck, Cover and Throw Everyone Under the Bus era that we’ve been living through.
“But what does this experience say for the future? Sometime next week, when some other Disney employee has their ancient words ‘surfaced’ [on Twitter], is Disney now making a statement that they aren’t going to be pushed around by the social media mobs, but they’ll take their time and give things a little thought before they drop an employee over a cliff?
“Or are they saying ‘yes, if the mobs get loud enough we may have to throw you overboard. However, if somewhere down the line you can get the mobs to quiet down or get distracted, we might be able to give it another try’?”