I’ve been 80% to 85% persuaded by an unnamed source that Monday’s New York Film Festival screening of “a work-in-progress from a master filmmaker” will be Martin Scorsese‘s Hugo (Paramount, 11.23). I won’t attend due to travel plans that can’t be changed, but if my source is correct, I can live with missing this screening. I’ll see it soon enough. It’s okay.

I’ll feel shattered if the sneak turns out to be The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo or J. Edgar even, but…we’ll obviously know soon enough.

Scorsese’s 3D work will be ’50s-style, I’m expecting. Lots of House of Wax-y pop-out shots. And it may be a highly satisfying film in this or that way, but this is one of his experiments. He doesn’t do kid-friendly or family-friendly. When did he last deal with a really young character or two? Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore? Not his wheelhouse.