It was reported two days ago that BP “has tested Kevin and Dan Costner‘s Ocean Therapy device, a centrifugual-force-deploying vacuum cleaner that separates oil and water, and released a statement saying that not only does the device work, but that officials are ‘excited’ about its potential.”Okay, fine but no one should ever use the word “excited” in a prepared statement of any kind. Over-used, generic, meaningless. Only phonies use it.

I ran a little congratulatory summary about the device on 5.23.

“We were confident the technology would work but we needed to test it at the extremes. We’ve done that and are excited by the results,” said Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer. “We are very pleased with the results and today we have placed a significant order with OTS [Costner’s Ocean Therapy Solutions] and will be working with them to rapidly manufacture and deploy 32 of their machines .”