After unforgivably programming Steve McQueen‘s 12 Years A Slave against Denis Villeneuve‘s Prisoners last night (everyone I spoke to was pissed about this), the Telluride guys are offering a Prisoners follow-up screening this morning at 8:30 am at the Palm. Wait…the widely-hailed pic runs 153 minutes? Okay, I’ll get out at 11:15 or thereabouts. Oh, right — they never start films on time and they always spend 10 minutes on introductions so make it a little past 11 am.
I’m especially intrigued by the opening of Kris Tapley’s HitFix review: “They simply don’t make thrillers like Denis Villeneuve‘s Prisoners at the studio level, and yet here it is. Glacially paced, bloated to a 158-minute running time, stingy with details as its mystery unfolds — it goes against most every convention for a film like this.
“I was no fan of Incendies on a story level but found the filmmaking to be formally refined. And Prisoners has every ounce of that class. It’s a patient film, almost painful in its suspense, and as mentioned, unafraid of pushing to an arguably unnecessary length. You could feel the length of Incendies too, but the difference here is that drawing the bow so meticulously tight adds to the atmosphere Villeneuve is building.”
Tonight’s hot ticket is Alfonso Cuaron‘s Gravity at 6:45 pm at “the Zog.” I guess I’ll try and see Ralph Fiennes‘ The Invisible Woman, Jonathan Glazer‘s Under The Skin and Sebastian Lelio‘s Gloria this afternoon.”