“I feel like I had [an Oscar worthy role] in El Cantante,” Jennifer Lopez has told Latina magazine. “But I don’t even think the academy members saw it. I feel like it’s their responsibility to do that, to see everything that’s out there, everything that could be great.”
El Cantante got a 24% positive from Rotten Tomatoes and a 46% positive from Metacritic. The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Carrie Rickey called it “a soaring, crashing, blazing affair with pyrotechnic performances by real-life spouses Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez…like a plane disaster, it holds you in thrall of “ay, Dios mio!” drama.”
“It was funny; when the Oscars were on, I had just given birth on the 22nd, and the Oscars, I think, were a day or two later. I was sitting there with my twins — I couldn’t have been happier — but I was like, ‘How dope would it have been if I would’ve won the Oscar and been here in my hospital bed accepting the award?’ ‘Thank you so much! I just want to thank the academy!’ But we joked about it.
“It’s all good. Things will happen when they’re supposed to happen. I have the utmost faith and no doubt that it will one day, when and if it’s supposed to. You can’t get all crazy twisted over it.”
For me, Lopez’s fate was sealed when I saw Anaconda and saw she was the only actor in the cast who was playing it straight and sincere. Everyone else (Jon Voight, Owen Wilson, Ice Cube, etc.) gave performances that said, “We know this is a piece of shit and that you know it, of course, so we’re standing outside the movie and basically fooling around and jacking off.”