This two-day-old quote from Jennifer Love Hewitt is the single most interesting and amusing thing she’s ever said in her life, in all her years of being in the shallow spotlight: “I wish I had been nude from the time I was 12 until I was 28. I looked great! I want to tell all young girls to walk around in bikinis all summer…and enjoy it. I want to tell them to never, ever feel bad about anything, because there will be that one day in your 20s when you’ll eat a hamburger and actually see the hamburger on the side of your leg.”
I’m sorry but that’s funny, the side-of-your-leg thing. And JLH has been banal all her life, so this is a kind of small but significant breakthrough, even if she’s been over for years.
In a related topic, before today I had never heard much less conceived of an ass bra. I happened across this thing in Amy O’Dell‘s “The Cut” on the newyorkmag site. From this day forward, a fair-game term that anyone can use.