The high-impact finale of this morning’s Warner Bros. Cinemacon presentation was the screening of the 48 fps Hobbit footage, of course. But the second biggest hit was some 3D footage from Baz Luhrman‘s The Great Gatsby. I’ve been fearful of this all along, imagining that Luhrman would smother the Fitzgerald novel under the Bazzy bombast. But i what I saw felt curiously alive and its own bird — a high-style reboot of classic Fitzgerald that doesn’t feel (at least during the short time it took to screen) the least bit antiquated or borrowed or strained.
It’s a 1920s recreation that doesn’t try to do anything except make the characters and the story feel “right.”
The footage from Chris Nolan‘s The Dark Knight Rises (7.20) felt like good stuff — moody, bracing, handsome, tightly cut. But the only thing that really stood out for me is that you can hear what Bane is saying now. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp took a bow before an extended Dark Shadows reel. The footage from Adam Shankman‘s Rock Of Ages was exuberant and splashy as far as it went. Director Jay Roach introduced footage from The Campaign, a Congressional campaign comedy costarring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis due in August — cleary a funny package.
For whatever reason WB honcho Jeff Robinov didn’t show footage or trailers or clips or a montage or anything from other 2012 titles like Argo, Magic Mike (why not?), Gangster Squad, Cloud Atlas and Gravity.