Todd Miller‘s Dinosaur 13 is an intelligent, moderately interesting downer — a story about a group of nice guy dinosaur-fossil hunters in South Dakota getting badly screwed over by the government. Basing the story largely on Peter Larson‘s “Rex Appeal: The Amazing Story of Sue, the Dinosaur That Changed Science, the Law, and My Life,” Miller tells the tale with scrupulous exactitude. The fossilized remains were discovered in August 1990 in the black hills of South Dakota by Larson’s friend, paleontologist Sue Hendrickson (the Rex fossil’s namesake), but the story is mainly about Larson and his paleontologist homies. The film is good and intriguing as far as it goes, but it plods a bit. Especially after it reaches the halfway point and becomes a story about a demimonde of government assholes making Larson’s life hell. We all know the name of that tune. Franz Kafka wrote that tune. Dinosaur 13 is a doc that Tea Party and lefty types can agree on — i.e., there’s nothing like the oppressive hell of being fucked with by the government.