HE reader Andrew Corks writes that he “saw Let The Right One In this year at the Tribeca Film Festival, where it took one of the top prizes, and was blown away by the overall quality of the film. It has an uncanny ability to successfully cross all genres — horror, love story, comedy, coming-of-age — combined with genuine acting and spectacular cinematography.

“Now that Let The Right One In has now picked up its second major critic’s society award, why is it still absent from the Oscar Balloon and general Oscar talks?”

Wells to Corks: I’m not looking to put it down or exclude it from anything. It’s one of the most unusual, originally conceived, genre-bending films I’ve seen in a long time. A really magnificent creep-out and a beautiful adolescent love story combined. I just didn’t like it all that much. Or rather, I like having seen it but didn’t like the way I felt as I watched it. I didn’t care for the funny-looking girl who played the little vampire. I thought the little blonde boy was way too much of a candy-ass. I didn’t like the low-rent fleurescent lighting, the constant snowstorms, the drab instiutional palette. I recognize without hesitation that it’s an exceptional film. I’m just looking forward to the American remake.