Late yesterday afternoon there was a big, black-tie wedding celebration in the main courtyard of the Brice hotel, and I’m sorry but the first thing I noticed is that the bride and groom, both in their mid 30s and basking in the glow of it all, need to schedule some treadmill sessions when they return from the honeymoon. Same for the father of the bride and more than a few members of the wedding party. I’m really not trying to rain on a joyous occasion. All weddings put a smile on your face, and if the couple in question is reading this I wish them all the best. I’m obviously aware that posting this kind of thing is a huge social no-no, but yesterday’s visual element was striking because this is America these days — nobody (certainly in the regions outside the big cities) seems to be in shape. This wasn’t the case 25 or 30 years ago — it really wasn’t. And yet if you mention this you’re an asshole.