Newsweek‘s Sean Smith has written that Lady in the Water director M. Night Shyamalan needs a career intervention. He tries to provide it, in fact, with this piece. “It feels like the entire town is rooting for him to fail,” a studio exec tells Smith. “Is there a 12-step program for egos?” In a remarkable display of maturity, Newsweek implicity accepts some of the blame for Shyamalan’s arrogance. “When your fine magazine proclaimed him ‘The Next Spielberg’ on the cover, this was all fated,” says a studio exec.

Oh, and by the way, I very much agree with this quote about about a once-great director who, I feel, lost it at the end of his career: “The smaller you make your world, the less of an artist you can really be,” says an indie exec. “Look at Stanley Kubrick. If you see Eyes Wide Shut it’s clear he hadn’t left the house in 20 years.”