Five demerits each to Box Office Guru, Coming Soon and EW for predicting Snakes on a Plane‘s weekend grosses in the $30 million range ($28 million, $30.8 million and $31 million respectively) when one Saturday morning prognosis is eyeballing a Sunday-night figure of $15,322,000. New Line’s airborne reptile thriller took in $6,257,000 on Friday, but that figure includes the Thursday night showings also. A dip is expected today (the hard-cores went to see Snakes on Thursday and Friday nights — R-rated, young-male fare always drops off on Saturday) so there’s a chance it may total out a bit south of $15 million. The Hot Button predicted $22 million, H’wood Reporter said “lows 20s to low 30s” and Box Office Mojo predicted $24 million — and they all have to stay after class and clean the blackboards. Yesterday I wrote that with Snakes playing in roughly 2555 theatres, “Variety‘s forecast of a weekend total in the mid to high teens seems more likely than a Sunday-night tally in the 20s, much less the 30s. I still say mid teens.”