So The Weinstein Company has four films going to the Toronto Film Festival — (1) John Madden’s Proof; (2) Transamerica, a tranny comedy-drama from Duncan Ticker and starring Felicity Huffman; (3) Richard Shepard’s Matador with Pierce Brosnan and Greg Kinnear; and (4) Stephen Frears’ Mrs. Henderson Presents (which I hear is quite good). But I’m hearing mixed things about distribution. I know that Harvey and Bob Weinstein, former toppers of Miramax, have sat down with all the distributors about handling ads, publicity and all the other nececssities of putting films before the public, but nothing’s come of it. There was a rumor kicking around two or three weeks ago that they might have an impending deal with Warner Bros., but a Weinstein Company spokesperson told me today this isn’t true.