The Heartbreak Kid has obviously touched a nerve among critics. They aren’t just panning it (it has a 34% positive from Rotten Tomatoes) — many of them are vomiting on the sidewalk. A random sampling: (a) “An ugly, hateful and deeply unfunny bit of hackwork that not only stinks on its own but also tarnishes the reputation of a genuinely funny and inspired comedy.” — Peter Sobczynski,; (b) “A grim, shrill, deluded and incredibly depressing movie…bewilderingly mean-spirited.” — Carina Chocano, L.A. Times; (c) “Based on the 1972 movie… much in the same way that a breakfast of Pop Tarts and Mountain Dew is based on a petit dejeuner of fresh-baked croissants and cafe au lait.” — MaryAnn Johanson, The Flick Philosopher; (d) “A shabby, sleazy train wreck…anyone who backed it should feel, if they can feel at all, something like shame.” — James Rocchi, Cinematical.