Post-impeachment, the Bloated Beast is getting bolder in his sociopathic maneuverings.
“In a highly unusual move, senior Justice Department officials” — i.e., Attorney General Barr doing President Trump‘s bidding — “intervened to overrule front-line prosecutors and will recommend a more lenient sentence for Roger J. Stone Jr., convicted last year of impeding investigators in a bid to protect Trump, a senior department official said Tuesday.
In response all four of the government prosecutors on the case — lead prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky plus Jonathan Kravis, Adam Jed and Michael Marando — have withdrawn from the case.
Trump butted in after Zelinsky asked a judge late Monday to sentence Stone to seven to nine years in the slam for trying to sabotage a congressional investigation that threatened Trump. Trump had tweeted that the recommendation was “horrible and very unfair,” and now he’s told Barr to reverse the recommendation. Every time Trump pulls some kind of rank dictator move, people say “it can’t get any more corrupt than this.” And then he outdoes himself.