Moneyball‘s 1080p transfer is another brilliant effort from Sony — flawless from top to bottom,” writes’s Martin Liebman. “The transfer delivers fantastic, deep blacks that remain true but abstain from crush, and colors are phenomenal and very well balanced. An opening scene of Beane sitting alone in a darkened stadium with the only light reflecting off the glossy stadium seats is marvelous.

“Whether the green grasses; the yellow and green A’s color scheme; or the many less brilliant but no less accomplished shades in every day objects around the office, in the clubhouse, or present on clothing, Sony’s transfer delivers a steady, handsome array of hues that are as natural as they would be in the real world.

“Likewise, flesh tones are consistent and accurate throughout, with no push towards an unnaturally warm shade. Clarity is unbeatable, which aids in the transfer’s ability to deliver stunning detailing. Clothing textures — notably mesh caps and the stitching on baseball uniforms — are phenomenal, while faces are intricately detailed and odds and ends around the frame in the ballpark, in the clubhouse, and elsewhere, sparkle. A rather heavy layer of grain only accentuates the transfer’s positives and enhances its welcome cinematic texture. The image is free of banding, blocking, and other eyesores.

Moneyball‘s transfer is everything that Bluray fans demand from a new release.”

Liebman worships the film in al the other departments, but let’s not get off-track.