On the L.A.-to-Salt Lake City plane today, a critic passed along a starting-to-sound-familiar observation, which is that Sundance ’07 is looking more and more like an off year. A friend of the critic has seen 20 of the films being shown here and so far he’s saying “naaah”….flat, so-so, nothing to write home about material…a couple of almost-but-not-quite- as-good-as-Half Nelson flicks, and apparently nothing even close to a Little Miss Sunshine-type breakout waiting to happen. “Apparently,” I say.
On top of which I talked to a guy who said he’d seen and didn’t care for Tommy O’Haver‘s An American Crime…just that kind of year, they all seem to be saying. (I heard the same damn thing from two big-time buyers in Manhattan a couple of weeks ago.)
That said, USA’s Today‘s Anthony Breznican has come up with six possibly hot Sundance films showing over the next few days, blah, blah.