“Something’s not right here,” Bill Moyers began at the top of a 12.18 broadcast of Bill Moyers Journal. “One year after the great collapse of our financial system, Wall Street is back on top while our politicians dither. As for health care reform, you’re about to be forced to buy insurance from companies whose stock is soaring, and that’s just dandy with the White House.
“Truth is, our capitol’s being looted, Republicans are acting like the town rowdies, the sheriff is firing blanks, and powerful Democrats in Congress are in cahoots with the gang that’s pulling the heist. This is not capitalism at work. It’s capital. Raw money, mounds of it, buying politicians and policy as if they were futures on the hog market.”
The video discussion that follows between Moyers, Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi and The American Prospect‘s Robert Kuttner is worth watching (or reading the transcript of).